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Sardines and beaches. My time in Portugal is coming to a close and I am faced with another 24 hour trip back to Colorado. With my mental brain fart, all I can think to say has to do with the second season of a Game of Thrones. I am just going to say that I am thoroughly disappointed in the way the second season was done. I really believe that to be happy in life one needs to have low expectations, how can you be sad when something exceeds your expectations? How can you be happy when something falls short? Anyway, I know I am going to be disappointed when the third season comes out because the third book is the best in the series and one of the best books I’ve ever read. So the third season must equally be as cool, right? Or because I am expected to be disappointed by my high expectations I have just lowered mine. Then, by lowering them to meet the disappointment of my high expectations I have just raised them. Then… Here are some pictures.