Chances are that you are here because you are putting together your resume and want some ideas. But you didn’t just want to write any sort of resume, you wanted one that stood out, as you stand out in life.
I designed this resume in Photoshop in 2014. I mocked it up when I was applying for jobs at some design firms, and naturally with that territory came a need to submit something that more than a MS Word write up. It took quite a few hours, mostly spend redesigning and shaving parts down so that it was visually appealing from near and afar. The other objective is readability where you never have to guess where to look next and the content just flows.
There are a few things to know about customizing this resume design in photoshop. First, if you do not have your guide lines turned on, do so now. View > Show > Guides. I have arranged all of the content as it reads down and the folders are broken up into sections. Just replace the text that fits YOU and you should be done in an hour! Not too bad for a badass resume. I took the picture at the top so do not worry about right to that. You are free to use it in your resumes or anywhere else. I just ask that you give credit (unless you are using it on your resume, then no need to credit. It would look weird to have a photo credit at the top of your resume.
On to the downloading.
With this free resume design template download requires a few fonts to work properly. Do not worry, those fonts are free TOO and can be gotten from Font 1. Font 2. Font 3.
Are you cool?
Hey, if this helps you get a job, how much is it worth to you? $5, $10, $1,000? This is completely free for you to use and I hope that it helps you get a job. If this photoshop file is worth something to you, consider donating, even just a dollar, so I can keep providing things like this for free!