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Once again, it is time to spend the holiday with the family and this year we all met in … Portugal! The birth place of my mother and where my parents have chosen to retire. Until I figure out what the fuck the point of this blog is, I am going to just shut up and post pictures of some of the interesting shit I saw. On a related note, if any of you readers have anything you would like to learn concerning photography, travel, work or working remotely, let me know.

Portugal, from south to north. Algarve > Lisbon area > Porto


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In and around Lisbon:
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Up north around Porto in wine country

Processed with VSCOcam with m3 preset

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Found an original Nazi officer hat hanging in a restaurant. You could feel the evil coming off of it.
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And my proudest discovery, the end of a severed ear bud looks like… this.
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